face mask

How to Properly Wear an N95 Face Mask


Wearing Your Face Mask Properly Matters…

In light of the recent Covid-19 pandemic, you may hearing all over the news or seeing for yourself at the local grocery store, the use of a specialized face mask, better known as an N95-style respirator. To avoid confusion, from here on out, we will now refer to any respirator as a mask. This article is particularly useful to our healthcare professionals or ANY workplace covered by OSHA where there is required use of respirators, especially those who are exposed to patients with suspected or confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and other sources of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Read our article here to learn more about what N95s are and WHO should be wearing one during this pandemic.

It is possible that wearing a mask alone may be providing some respiratory protection, however, if you are failing to properly adjust the mask to your face it is likely that you are not receiving any more protection than if you were wearing no mask at all.  Simply throwing a mask on your face, without properly adjusting it is not providing the level of protection that the mask is intended for or capable of.  Proper placement of the mask straps, correct molding of the adjustable nose bridge and placement of the mask on your face are all imperative when wearing a mask in order to provide protection. The following steps will walk you through how to properly don an N95 mask so that you are fully protected.

Things to Note Before Putting Your Mask On

Before donning you N95 mask, it is important to note that in order to properly wear an N95 or any tight-fitting mask, you must be clean shaven. Facial hair that lies along the sealing area of a respirator (beards, sideburns, or some mustaches) will interfere with respirators that rely on a tight face piece seal to achieve maximum protection. Ensuring the respirator seal is a vital part of respiratory protection practices. Any facial hair including stubble will push against the mask seal and create a “leak”, thus, preventing the mask from providing the level of protection it is intended for.

Finally, before putting on a mask, it is crucial to wash your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water prior to touching the mask to place it on your face. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after taking the mask off, as well.

Step one: Get the strap placement right 

While holding the mask in one hand, move the elastic straps from the back of the mask to the front of the mask.  You will see a bottom and top strap. With one hand holding the mask, place the bottom of the mask on your chin and bring the top nose bridge section of the mask to your face.  The mask should be sitting flat on your face while you are holding it to your face with one hand.

The second hand will take the bottom strap and pull it over your head to the back of your neck.  You will then pull the remaining top strap onto the crown of your head. 

Having both straps properly positioned on your head ensures that pressure of the mask is evenly distributed on your face. 

Tip: Positioning the mask while looking into a mirror will allow you to properly center the mask, which is extremely important in gaining a proper seal on your mask.

Step two: Mold the nose bridge

how to properly put on an n95 respirator face mask during coronavirus covid-19 pandemic

After the mask is held to your face with the straps in their proper positions, you will now mold the nose bridge to form to your face.  With the pointer and middle fingers on both hands positioned on each corresponding side of your nose, apply pressure to the nose bridge and work your way down the nose.  This approach will apply the right amount of pressure and mold the nose bridge to your facial shape. 

Tip: Never pinch the adjustable nose piece with one hand (i.e.: pointer finger and thumb), this will -apply uneven pressure on the nosepiece and can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the seal on your mask.

Step three: Check your seal

how to properly put on an n95 respirator face mask during coronavirus covid-19 pandemic

Now that the mask is properly seated on your face, you will perform a positive and negative seal check. This is performed every time a mask is placed on your face and confirms that the mask seal is performing correctly.

First you will perform a positive seal check by cupping your hands together and covering the mask without overly applying pressure directly to it.  Take a deep inhalation breath and you should feel the mask lightly sucking to your face.

Next you will perform a negative seal check.  Cup your hands together and cover the mask without overly applying pressure directly to it, just as you did in the positive seal check.  Now you will exhale into the mask and should feel air slightly escaping through the nose bridge but nowhere else.

Performing this step every time you put the mask on is a way to ensure it is properly fitted to your face and providing the intended protection.

Additional considerations if your profession requires you to wear a mask 

If your profession requires you to wear a mask, two additional steps are required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in order to properly determine if you are physically capable of wearing a mask and that the mask fits your face properly.  The first step is to complete a Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire. The second step is to participate in an annual Qualitative or Quantitative respirator fit test.

Under OSHA 1910.132, employees that are required to wear a mask in order to perform on-the-job duties will complete a respirator medical evaluation. The respirator medical evaluation is designed to identify general medical conditions that could place a worker at risk of serious medical consequences when a mask is used. This is an OSHA document that will be filled out and reviewed by a physician or other licensed health care professional. 

After receiving approval on a respirator medical evaluation, a respirator fit test is required annually to ensure the manufacturer, model, size and style respirator properly fits.  Not every person or facial shape is the same, so finding a proper fitting mask is pivotal in ensuring that it provides an adequate level of protection. A respirator fit test can be performed Qualitatively or Quantitatively. Once a fit test is passed, you will wear that specific type of mask you were fit tested on (same manufacturer, model #, size and style) for the year, until your next annual fit test. Following the steps to properly don a face mask coupled with wearing only the type of mask you were approved to wear during fit testing will ensure proper respiratory protection each time the mask is worn.

Due to the recent COVID19 pandemic, masks and fit testing kits/equipment are facing a severe shortage. Due to this shortage, owning a properly fitting mask and being fit tested may not be possible. By taking the appropriate donning steps summarized above you will greatly improve the fit and efficiency of the mask you are wearing, especially in the event of extended use or reuse of N95s as per OSHA’s temporary enforcement guidance for respiratory protection.

If you have questions about N95 respirators, OSHA Fit Test Standards, respirator fit testing or any other workplace safety questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team @ 800-331-3218. We are here to help!

*** Disclaimer: This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon for occupational health and safety reasons, legal or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.

The WHO, WHAT, WHEN and WHERE of using an N95 Face Mask

everything you need to know about n95 respirator face mask coronavirus covid19

Everything YOU Need to know About N95 Respirators

Since the onset of COVID-19 just a few months ago, the terms “respirator”, “N95”, “face masks” and “surgical masks” have transformed from something that few people outside of healthcare and manufacturing knew about, to ubiquitous terms in our daily vocabulary. (To avoid confusion, the word mask and respirator can be used interchangeably.) While these terms may now be commonplace, there is a wealth of misinformation and false data floating around on social media and across the 24-hour news cycle. This article will cover the following:

how to wear an n95 face mask respirator during coronavirus pandemic
  • WHO should and should not be wearing an N95 mask

  • WHAT an N95 mask is and how it works when worn properly

  • WHEN a person should and should not be using an N95 mask

  • WHERE an N95 mask should be worn

Unfortunately, the majority of people we see wearing an N95 mask in public spaces are not wearing the respirator properly, not to mention taking away valuable resources from health care professionals. In the absence of proper training and fit testing, these N95 masks may give the wearer a false sense of security while providing minimal protection, ultimately wasting precious resources. If you are a healthcare worker or someone who needs to be wearing an N95 mask, view our article here on the proper way to wear an N95.

WHO should wear an N95 Mask

It is critical for front line Health Care Providers (HCP’s) coming into direct or close contact with a patient who has a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 to have access to and be wearing a properly fitted N95 mask, along with all other necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), as specified by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). If civilians who are not coming into direct contact with infected patients have hoarded PPE for their own use, it causes the shortages of supply in N95’s that we are seeing today. The result unfortunately, is that front line HCP’s who are unable to protect themselves can and will become infected with the virus and will no longer be available to treat critically ill patients.

health care professionals doctors nurses should wear n95 respirator face mask

Homemade masks, scarves, handkerchiefs or bandannas should never be used unless there is no other option. It should be noted that resorting to the homemade options will not prevent transmission of the Coronavirus as they do not have the ability to capture aerosols (tiny viral particles) nor to prevent droplets from entering, which is the main transmission route of Coronavirus. Read here for more about homemade masks, their effectiveness, and where they can be helpful if used.

The reality is that most people outside of a clinical setting should not be wearing an N95 mask at all. The CDC has set forth clear social distancing guidelines and state and local governments across the country have implemented shutdowns of non-critical businesses and infrastructure. Some states and cities have implemented stay-at-home orders of the state or municipality and full-on quarantining for anyone with a confirmed case, shows symptoms of or has known exposure to the virus. While essential services have remained open, residents who need to leave home to take part in essential activities are advised to maintain at least six feet of distance between themselves and others. Thus, if the public is heeding the shelter in place guidelines, they should be at home a vast majority of their day and have no need for an N95 mask.

WHAT is an N95 MAsk

To the lay person, an N95 mask may seem like just a piece of paper that covers the nose and mouth. In reality, when used by a professional who has undergone required annual fit testing and training on how to properly wear an N95, they are effective at filtering at least 95% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. The N95 is a highly engineered fiber, typically with a metal adjustable nose piece, and two elastic straps. They are manufactured to exacting specifications set by the manufacturer and meet strict NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) testing criteria.

Each N95 mask has four main ways of keeping particles from entering and, more importantly, out of the wearer’s respiratory system. The first is impaction: the tightly woven fibers capture smaller particles and prevent them from passing through the fiber. The second is deflection: the tightly woven fibers make larger particles bounce off and away from the mask. The third is interception: as particles pass close to a filter fiber, they may be intercepted by the fiber. The fourth is electrostatic charge: N95’s keeps particles out by using an electrostatic charge that captures very small particles like magnets. This electrostatic charge wears off after time, therefore, all NIOSH and FDA approved respirators have an expiration date.

everything to know about n95 face mask respirators during covid19 coronavirus pandemic

In addition to the four ways in which N95’s keep particles out, it also is imperative that the mask be worn properly. Since every person’s face is different, it is crucial that the mask wearer properly adjust of the nose piece, place the straps correctly and perform a user seal check by covering their mask with both hands and breathing in and out slightly, confirming a tight seal on the mask. Read more on how to properly don an N95 mask here.

One other important aspect to remember when using an N95 is that this piece of equipment is a filter. It will restrict your breathing and can be uncomfortable to wear for long periods. If you have an underlying health condition within your pulmonary or respiratory system, you should consult your physician prior to wearing an N95 respirator.

WHEN and WHERE to use an N95 Mask

For the WHEN, it is similar to the guidance that was provided in the WHO section of this article. Unless you are a front-line HCP, you will not likely be coming into regular close contact with people infected with COVID-19, meaning that you should never have a need to wear an N95 mask(the exception being if you have an underlying health condition and have an essential need to be out in public).

As for the WHERE, if you are following appropriate CDC social distancing guidelines and your state or local quarantine orders you should never find yourself in a situation where you would need to wear an N95 respirator. Any health care workers in direct or close patient contact should be wearing an N95 mask, whenever possible.

If you have questions about N95 respirators, OSHA Fit Test Standards, about fit testing or any other workplace safety questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team @ 800-331-3218. We are here to help!

*** Please note that this article is not meant to be an exhaustive review of N95 Respirators nor does it represent all aspects of selecting and properly wearing an N95 mask.

*** Discalimer: This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon for occupational health and safety reasons, legal or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.